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Serving Cambridge Since Circa 1830www.cambridgefarmersmarket.cafarmersmarket@cambridge.caT: (519) 740-4681 x4252F: (519) 740-4566
If you would like to sell additional items you must fill out a Farm Product Add On Form.
To complete this application you will need the following to be completed and submitted with this form:
Allowed extensions pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, tif
I hereby submit my Application for a Station/Cooler/Table at the Cambridge Farmers’ Market and hereby state that all the foregoing information is complete & accurate. I agree to follow all rules and by-laws that pertain to the Market and will pay all applicable fees as listed in the current Market Vendor Rates, which is established yearly by Cambridge City Council, and interest charges (if applicable) in accordance with City of Cambridge Accounts Receivable policies. I also understand that I will be responsible to pay applicable advertising fees.
Personal information contained on this form is collected pursuant to the authority outlined in the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act Section 28 (2) and may be used in marketing and promotional materials. Questions about this collection should be directed to farmersmarket@cambridge.ca. Questions in regard to the collection and use of personal information should be directed to the Supervisor of Information Management and Archives at 519.740.4685, ext.4583 or at FOI@cambridge.ca.