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Application for Use of Performance Area Market Square & Market Area

The Cambridge Farmers’ Market is always looking for local talent to perform at the market and would welcome the opportunity for you to display your talents. Please read through the guidelines below and fill out this application form if you are interested in busking at the Cambridge Farmers’ Market.

Only approved buskers are allowed to perform at the Cambridge Farmers’ Market.

Two buskers are assigned per Saturday from April to December Please note there is no busking indoors all performance spaces are located outside in the Market Square.

Buskers are allowed to perform a maximum of two Saturday’s per month. This allows the Market to showcase a variety of local talent over the course of each month.

Market staff will assess all applications and schedule buskers. Market staff will confirm approved dates with buskers. If you need to cancel a scheduled performance we ask that you contact market staff as soon as possible so a replacement can be found.

Buskers are asked to perform between 9:30-11:30a.m - this is the peak of our market. A space will be allocated to you for that time and we ask that you are flexible, buskers may need to be moved due to other initiatives, and unforeseen circumstances.

Musical performances are to be non-powered. No amplification is allowed. The sound should be a background sound for passersby to enjoy and should not be treated as a concert to be heard over a large space. The level of sound impacts our vendor’s ability to communicate with their customers, and our resident’s ability to chat with each other. The market is a community gathering place that fosters conversations.

Locations of Performances:

Performance Area 1 – South End of Parking Lot

Performance Area 2 – Bench Area by Wesley United Church

Performance Area 3 – “Other” for special events or approved by Market Manager

Booking dates for

February 1 - Market staff booking performance space for the Spring (April, May and June)

April 1 - Market Staff booking performance space for Summer (July, August, and September)

June 1 - Market Staff booking performance space for Fall (October, November, and December)

Please indicate the dates you wish to busk in this calendar year. Market staff will be in contact with you to confirm approved dates and or to ask for other availability.

Please choose the dates in the months of April/May/June that you would like to busk on.

Choose the dates you would like to busk on in April.
Choose the dates you would like to busk on in May.
Choose the dates you would like to busk on in June.

Please choose the dates in the months of July/August/September that you would like to busk on.

Choose the dates you would like to busk on in July.
Choose the dates you would like to busk on in August.
Choose the dates you would like to busk on in September.

Please choose the dates in the months of October/November/December that you would like to busk on.

Choose the dates you would like to busk on in October.
Choose the dates you would like to busk on in November.
Choose the dates you would like to busk on in December.
Promote your appearance at the Market. By choosing 'Yes' or 'No' you will indicate whether you agree to let the Cambridge Farmers’ Market promote your appearance at the Market in web, print and radio materials.

Personal information contained on this form is collected pursuant to the authority outlined in the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act Section 28 (2) and may be used in marketing and promotional materials. Questions about this collection should be directed to Questions in regard to the collection and use of personal information should be directed to the Supervisor of Information Management and Archives at 519.740.4685, ext.4583 or at